मीडियाभारती.कॉम : हिंदी संस्करण

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Corporate Cultures...

How to Save Your Job...

Meetings: Practical Alternative to Work

Are you lonely? Don't like working your own? Hate making decision? Then call a meeting!
In Meeting you can...SEE People, DRAW Flowcharts, FEEL Important and can IMPRESS Your colleagues...all on company time

Inter-Office E-mail

What Those Words on Yearly Performance Reviews Really Mean

Outgoing personality- Always going out of the office

Great Presentation Skills- Able to bullshit

Good Communication Skills- Spends lot of time on phone

Work is First Priority- Too Ugly to get a Date

Active Socially- Drinks a lot

Independent Worker- Nobody knows what he/she does

Quick Thinking- Offers Plausible excuses

Careful Thinker- Won’t make a decision

Uses Logic on difficult jobs – Get someone else to do it

Expresses Themselves well – Speaks English

Meticulous Attention to Detail- Anti Picker

Has Leadership Qualities- has a louder voice

Exceptionally Good Judgment- Lucky

Keen Sense of Humor- Knows a lot of dirty jokes
Career minded- Back Stabber

Loyal- Can’t get a job anywhere else

Plans for Promotion/Advancement- Buys drinks for all the boys

Of Great Value to the Organization- Gets to work on time

Relaxed Attitude- Sleeps at desk

Organizational Structure

Management Lesson

Never Start a Project Unless all Resources are Available

Waiting for Bonus

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