मीडियाभारती.कॉम : हिंदी संस्करण

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Corporate Cultures...

How to Save Your Job...

Meetings: Practical Alternative to Work

Are you lonely? Don't like working your own? Hate making decision? Then call a meeting!
In Meeting you can...SEE People, DRAW Flowcharts, FEEL Important and can IMPRESS Your colleagues...all on company time

Inter-Office E-mail

What Those Words on Yearly Performance Reviews Really Mean

Outgoing personality- Always going out of the office

Great Presentation Skills- Able to bullshit

Good Communication Skills- Spends lot of time on phone

Work is First Priority- Too Ugly to get a Date

Active Socially- Drinks a lot

Independent Worker- Nobody knows what he/she does

Quick Thinking- Offers Plausible excuses

Careful Thinker- Won’t make a decision

Uses Logic on difficult jobs – Get someone else to do it

Expresses Themselves well – Speaks English

Meticulous Attention to Detail- Anti Picker

Has Leadership Qualities- has a louder voice

Exceptionally Good Judgment- Lucky

Keen Sense of Humor- Knows a lot of dirty jokes
Career minded- Back Stabber

Loyal- Can’t get a job anywhere else

Plans for Promotion/Advancement- Buys drinks for all the boys

Of Great Value to the Organization- Gets to work on time

Relaxed Attitude- Sleeps at desk

Organizational Structure

Management Lesson

Never Start a Project Unless all Resources are Available

Waiting for Bonus

Monday, August 07, 2006

Waiting for Next FIFA World Cup...

Fever of football was in air

And football was the name,

On everyone’s tongue as everyone

Was crazy about the game!

It was time for the FIFA World Cup

To be held once more,

'Twas in Germany this time

And the world was in uproar!

And finally the day dawned

And a month of excitement began,

The world rejoiced and made merry

As the fever had struck every man!

Germany and Costa Rica

Played the opening game,

Germany won this easy match

And at once shot to fame!

A series of games followed

And engrossing they were,

Next game from the last one

Seemed even much better!

Next came the historical match

'Tween the dutch and the Portuguese,

Four red and nine yellow cards

Saw everyone freeze!

Then came the quarterfinals

And the planet was in for a shock,

As Brazil and England were knocked out

Though both teams were sturdy as rock!

The semifinals followed after them

And we were ready for a surprise; cries of,

Zizou! Totti! Figo! Ballack

Filled the skies!

Germans were defeated

As Italy was in form,

And Portugal's unruly performance

Seemed the lull after the storm!

On 9th of July 2006

We saw the final match,

And none wanted his fave player

To suffer even a scratch!

The final in Berlin

Was very best till now,

No foul play or cheating

Did the referee allow!

And then arose a brutal act

And an act of utmost shame,

Zizou headbutted Materrazi

And "blacklisted" his name!

Italy won the match

With score at five to three,

None could stop this defeat

As the Italians were in a firing spree!

I wait eagerly for FIFA World Cup 2010

For excitement and fun; And,

I Hope this World Cup would have

been something hated by none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
