मीडियाभारती.कॉम : हिंदी संस्करण

Monday, November 13, 2006

Self Sacrifice Of Parents!

There was a huge apple tree...

A Little boy loved to play with it ..

He love to climb the tree, love to eat to take the nap under its shadow

The tree asked him..."Hi...come and play with me..."

The boy replied..."I am not a kid. I don't play around the tree". "I play with toys. I need money to buy toys"

The tree said..."I don't have money but you can take all my apples and sell it. You will get the money."

The boy said...I don't have time...I work for my family...I want to build home for them...I need Money..."

The tree said "I don't have money...You can take my branches and trunk...and build your home.."

Contributed by Karan Verma (

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Master Piece of Engineering

This bridge is half under and half above the water giving pass to ships. Truly, a marvelous piece of engineering! This bridge is between marine border of Sweden and Denmark.

Contributed by Ajay Singh (

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Personality Test

Select a shape below that appeals to you the most and then read about your personality. These shapes have been tested worldwide, over a period of several years and represents 9 basic personality types…

Independent, Unconventional and Unfettered…You demand a free and unattached life for yourself that allows you to determine your own course. You have an artistic bent in your work or leisure activities. Your urge for freedom sometimes causes you to do exactly the opposite of what expected of you. Your lifestyle is highly individualistic. You would never blindly imitate what is "in"; on the contrary, you seek to live according to your own ideas and convictions, even if this means swimming against the tide.

Dynamic, Active and Extroverted…You are quite willing to accept certain risks and to make a strong commitment in exchange for interesting and varied work. Routine, in contrast, tends to have a paralyzing effect on you. What you like most is to be able to play an active role in events. In doing so, your initiative is highly pronounced...

Down to Earth, Well-Balanced, Harmonious…You value a natural style and love that which is uncomplicated. People admire you because you have both feet planted firmly on the ground and they can depend on you. You give those who are close to you security and space. You are perceived as being warm and human. You reject everything that is garish and trite. You tend to be skeptical toward the whims of fashion trends. For you, clothing has to be practical and unobtrusively elegant…

Professional, Pragmatic and Self-assured…You take charge of your life, and place less faith in your luck and more in your own deeds. You solve problems in a practical, uncomplicated manner. You take a realistic view of the things in your daily life and tackle them without wavering. You are given a great deal of responsibility at work, because people know that you can be depended upon. Your pronounced strength of will projects your self-assurance to others. You are never fully satisfied until you have accomplished your ideas...

Peaceful, Discreet and Non-Aggressive…You are easy-going yet discreet. You make friends effortlessly, yet enjoy your privacy and independence. You like to get away from it all and be alone from time to time to contemplate the meaning of life and enjoy yourself. You need space, so you escape to beautiful hideaways, but you are not a loner. You are at peace with yourself and the world, and you appreciate life and what this world has to offer...

Carefree, Playful and Cheerful…You love a free and spontaneous life. And you attempt to enjoy it to the fullest, in accordance with the motto: "You only live once." You are very curious and open about everything new; you thrive on change. Nothing is worse than when you feel tied down. You experience your environment as being versatile and always good for a surprise...

Analytical, Trustworthy and Self-assured…Your momentary sensitivity represents that which is of high quality and durable. Consequently, you like to surround yourself with little "gems," which you discover wherever others overlook them. Thus, culture plays a special role in your life. You have found your own personal style, which is elegant and exclusive, free from the whims of fashion. Your ideal, upon which you base your life, is cultured pleasure. You value a certain level of culture on the part of the people with whom you associate…

Introspective, Sensitive and Reflective…You come to grips more frequently and thoroughly with yourself and your environment than do most people. You detest superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. But your relationships with your friends are highly intensive, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you need in order to feel good. However it is no problem for you to be alone for extended periods of time, without becoming bored…
Contributed by Afsar Ahmed (

Prison v/s Work Rating

In Prison...
...You spend the majority of your time in an 8X10 cell...
At Work...
...You spend most of your time in a 6X8 cubicle...
In Prison...
...You get 3 meals a day...Free...
At Work...
...You only get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it yourself...
In Prison...
...You get time off for good behavior...
At Work...
...You get rewarded for good behavior with more work...
In Prison...
...A guard locks and unlocks the doors for you...
At Work...
...You must carry around a security card and unlock open all the doors yourself...
In Prison...
...You can watch TV and play games...
At Work...
...You get fired for watching TV and playing games...
In Prison...
...They allow your family and friends to visit...
At Work...
...You can not even speak to your family and friends...
In Prison...
...All expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work at all...
At Work...
...You get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for the prisoners...

Which Sounds Better???

Contributed by Kiran Verma (

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Corporate Cultures...

How to Save Your Job...

Meetings: Practical Alternative to Work

Are you lonely? Don't like working your own? Hate making decision? Then call a meeting!
In Meeting you can...SEE People, DRAW Flowcharts, FEEL Important and can IMPRESS Your colleagues...all on company time

Inter-Office E-mail

What Those Words on Yearly Performance Reviews Really Mean

Outgoing personality- Always going out of the office

Great Presentation Skills- Able to bullshit

Good Communication Skills- Spends lot of time on phone

Work is First Priority- Too Ugly to get a Date

Active Socially- Drinks a lot

Independent Worker- Nobody knows what he/she does

Quick Thinking- Offers Plausible excuses

Careful Thinker- Won’t make a decision

Uses Logic on difficult jobs – Get someone else to do it

Expresses Themselves well – Speaks English

Meticulous Attention to Detail- Anti Picker

Has Leadership Qualities- has a louder voice

Exceptionally Good Judgment- Lucky

Keen Sense of Humor- Knows a lot of dirty jokes
Career minded- Back Stabber

Loyal- Can’t get a job anywhere else

Plans for Promotion/Advancement- Buys drinks for all the boys

Of Great Value to the Organization- Gets to work on time

Relaxed Attitude- Sleeps at desk

Organizational Structure

Management Lesson

Never Start a Project Unless all Resources are Available

Waiting for Bonus

Monday, August 07, 2006

Waiting for Next FIFA World Cup...

Fever of football was in air

And football was the name,

On everyone’s tongue as everyone

Was crazy about the game!

It was time for the FIFA World Cup

To be held once more,

'Twas in Germany this time

And the world was in uproar!

And finally the day dawned

And a month of excitement began,

The world rejoiced and made merry

As the fever had struck every man!

Germany and Costa Rica

Played the opening game,

Germany won this easy match

And at once shot to fame!

A series of games followed

And engrossing they were,

Next game from the last one

Seemed even much better!

Next came the historical match

'Tween the dutch and the Portuguese,

Four red and nine yellow cards

Saw everyone freeze!

Then came the quarterfinals

And the planet was in for a shock,

As Brazil and England were knocked out

Though both teams were sturdy as rock!

The semifinals followed after them

And we were ready for a surprise; cries of,

Zizou! Totti! Figo! Ballack

Filled the skies!

Germans were defeated

As Italy was in form,

And Portugal's unruly performance

Seemed the lull after the storm!

On 9th of July 2006

We saw the final match,

And none wanted his fave player

To suffer even a scratch!

The final in Berlin

Was very best till now,

No foul play or cheating

Did the referee allow!

And then arose a brutal act

And an act of utmost shame,

Zizou headbutted Materrazi

And "blacklisted" his name!

Italy won the match

With score at five to three,

None could stop this defeat

As the Italians were in a firing spree!

I wait eagerly for FIFA World Cup 2010

For excitement and fun; And,

I Hope this World Cup would have

been something hated by none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, July 24, 2006

How do you sleep???

...And What Does it Say About You...

Contributed by Kiran Verma (

World Cup Football- 2006: Schedule

Friday 9 June

Group A
Germany Vs. Costa Rica
21:30 IST, Munich

Saturday 10 June

Group A
Poland Vs. Ecuador
00:30 IST, Gelsenkirchen

Group B
England vs Paraguay
18:30 IST, Frankfurt
Trinidad Vs. Sweden
21:30 IST, Dortmund

Sunday 11 June

Group C
Argentina Vs. I. Coast
00:30 IST, Hamburg

Group C
Serbia & Vs. Netherlands
18:30 IST, Leipzig

Group D
Mexico Vs. Iran
21:30 IST, Nuremberg

Monday 12 June

Group D
Angola Vs. Portugal
00:30 IST, Cologne

Group F
Australia Vs. Japan
18:30 IST, Kaiserslautern

Group E
USA Vs. Czech Rep.
21:30 IST, Gelsenkirchen

Tuesday 13 June

Group E
Italy Vs. Ghana
00:30 IST, Hanover

Group G
South Korea Vs. Togo
18:30 IST, Frankfurt
France Vs. Switzerland
21:30 IST, Stuttgart

Wednesday 14 June

Group F
Brazil Vs. Croatia
00:30 IST, Berlin

Group H
Spain Vs. Ukraine
18:30 IST, Leipzig
Tunisia Vs. Saudi Arabia
21:30 IST, Munich

Thursday 15 June

Group A
Germany Vs. Poland
00:30 IST, Dortmund

Group A
Ecuador Vs. Costa Rica
18:30 IST, Hamburg

Group B
England Vs. Trinidad
21:30 IST, Nuremberg

Friday 16 June

Group B
Sweden Vs. Paraguay
00:30 IST, Berlin

Group C
Argentina Vs Serbia
18:30 IST, Gelsenkirchen
Holland Vs. I. Coast
21:30 IST, Stuttgart

Saturday 17 June

Group D
Mexico Vs. Angola
00:30 IST, Hanover

Group D
Portugal Vs. Iran
18:30 IST, Frankfurt

Group E
Czech Rep. Vs. Ghana
21:30 IST, Cologne

Sunday 18 June

Group E
Italy Vs. USA
00:30 IST, Kaiserslautern

Group F
Japan Vs. Croatia
18:30 IST, Nuremberg
Brazil Vs. Australia
21:30 IST, Munich

Monday 19 June

Group G
France Vs. South Korea
00:30 IST, Leipzig

Group G
Togo Vs. Switzerland
18:30 IST, Dortmund

Group H
Saudi Arabia Vs. Ukraine
21:30 IST, Hamburg

Tuesday 20 June

Group H
Spain Vs. Tunisia
00:30 IST, Stuttgart

Group A
Ecuador Vs. Germany
19:30 IST, Berlin
Costa Rica Vs. Poland
19:30 IST, Hanover

Wednesday 21 June

Group B
Sweden Vs. England
00:30 IST, Cologne
Paraguay Vs. Trinidad
00:30 IST, Kaiserslautern

Group D
Portugal Vs. Mexico
19:30 IST, Gelsenkirchen
Iran Vs. Angola
19:30 IST, Leipzig

Thursday 22 June

Group C
Holland Vs. Argentina
00:30 IST, Frankfurt
I. Coast Vs. Serbia
0030 IST, Munich

Group E
Czech Rep. Vs. Italy
19:30 IST, Hamburg
Ghana Vs. USA
19:30 IST, Nuremberg

Friday 23 June

Group F
Japan Vs. Brazil
00:30 IST, Dortmund
Croatia Vs. Australia
00:30 IST, Stuttgart

Group H
Saudi Arabia Vs. Spain
19:30 IST, Kaiserslautern
Ukraine Vs. Tunisia
19:30 IST, Berlin

Saturday 24 June

Group G
Togo Vs. France
00:30 IST, Cologne
Switzerland Vs. South Korea
00:30 IST, Hanover

Game One
Germany Vs Sweden 20:30 IST, Munich

Sunday 25 June

Game Two
Argentina Vs Mexico 00:30 IST, Leipzig

Game Three
England Vs Ecuador
20:30 IST, Stuttgart

Monday 26 June

Game Four
Portugal Vs Netherlands
00:30 IST, Nuremberg

Game Five
Italy Vs Australia
20:30 IST, Kaiserslautern

Tuesday 27 June

Game Six
Switzerland Vs Ukraine
00:30 IST, Cologne

Game Seven
Brazil Vs Ghana
20:30 IST, Dortmund

Friday 30 June

Game Eight
Spain Vs. France
00:30 IST, Hanover

Quarter-Final One
Germany Vs. Argentina
20:30 IST, Berlin

Saturday 1 July

Quarter-Final Two
Italy Vs. Ukraine
00:30 IST, Hamburg

Quarter-Final Three
England Vs. Portugal
20:30 IST,Gelsenkirchen

Tuesday 4 July

Quarter-Final Four
Brazil Vs. France
00:30 IST, Frankfurt

Wednesday 5 July

Semi-Final One
Germany Vs. Italy
00:30 IST, Dortmund

Saturday 8 July

Semi-Final Two
Portugal Vs. France
00:30 IST, Munich

Sunday 9 July

Third/Fourth place play-off
Germany / Portugal
00:30 IST, Stuttgart

Italy Vs. France
23:30 IST, Berlin

Monday, July 17, 2006

Would You Like to Coach This Football Team!

[Contributed by Puneet Anand]

FIFA World Cup: Germany- 2006

Final Tally--

Group A
MP W D L GF GA Points
Germany 3 3 0 0 8 2 9
Costa Rica 3 0 0 3 3 9 0
Poland 3 1 0 2 2 4 3
Ecuador 3 2 0 1 5 3 6

Group B

England 3 2 1 0 5 2 7
Paraguay 3 1 0 2 2 2 3
Trinidad 3 0 1 2 0 4 1
Sweden 3 1 2 0 3 2 5

Group C

Argentina 3 2 1 0 8 1 7
I. Coast 3 1 0 2 5 6 3
Serbia 3 0 0 3 2 10 0
Holland 3 2 1 0 3 1 7

Group D

Mexico 3 1 1 1 4 3 4
Iran 3 0 1 2 2 6 1
Angola 3 0 2 1 1 2 2
Portugal 3 3 0 0 5 1 9

Group E

Italy 3 2 1 0 5 1 7
Ghana 3 2 0 1 4 3 6
USA 3 0 1 2 2 6 1
Czech Rep. 3 1 0 2 3 4 3

Group F

Brazil 3 3 0 0 7 1 9
Croatia 3 0 2 1 2 3 2
Australia 3 1 1 1 5 5 4
Japan 3 0 1 2 2 7 1

Group G

France 3 1 2 0 3 1 5
Switzerland 3 2 1 0 4 0 7
South Korea 3 1 1 0 3 4 4
Togo 3 0 0 3 1 6 0

Group H

Spain 3 3 0 0 8 1 9
Ukraine 3 2 0 1 5 4 6
Tunisia 3 0 1 2 3 6 1
S. Arabia 3 0 1 2 2 7 1

FIFA World Cup: Germany- 2006


Group A--
* Costa Rica- Captain: Jafet Soto (Cup Record- 1990: Last 16)
* Equador- Captain: Luis Suarez (Cup Record Debutants)
* Germany- Captain: Michael Ballack (Cup Record- Champions in 1954, 1974 and 1990)
* Poland- Captain: Tomasz Klos (Cup Record- Third:1978, 1982)
Group B--
* England- Captain: David Beckham (Cup Record- Winner 1966)
* Paraguay- Captain: Carlos Gamarra (Cup Record- Third successive appearance)
* Sweden- Captain: Olof Mellberg (Cup Record- Second in 1958. Third in 1950, 1994)
* Trinidad- Captain: Dwight Yorke (Cup Record- Debutant)
Group C--
* Argentina- Captain: Juan Pablo Sorin (Cup Record- Champions in 1978 and 1986)
* Ivory Coast- Captain: Didier Drogba (Cup Record- Debutants)
* Netherlands- Captain: Van Dar Sar (Cup Record- Runners-up in 1974 and 1978)
* Serbia Montenegro- Captain: Mladen Krstajic (Cup Record- Debutants)
Group D--
* Angola- Captain: Fabrice Maieco (Cup Record- Debutants)
* Iran- Captain: Ali Daei (Cup Record- Two appearances so far)
* Mexico- Captain: Rafael Marquez (Cup Record- Quarter-finals in 1970 and 1986)
* Portugal- Captain: Luis Figo (Cup Record- Semis in '66)
Group E--
* Czech Republic- Captain: Pavel Nedved (Cup Record- Runners -up in 1934, 1962)
* Ghana- Captain: Stephen Appiah (Cup Record-Debutants)
* Italy- Captain: Francesco Totti (Cup Record- Winners in 1934, 1938, 1982)
* USA- Captain: Landon Donovan (Cup Record- Third in 1930)
Group F--
* Australia- Captain: MarkViduka (Cup Record- First-round exit in 1974)
* Brazil- Captain: Cafu (Cup Record- Champions in 58, 62, 70, 94, 2002)
* Croatia- Captain: Zlatko Prso (Cup Record- Third in 1998)
* Japan- Captain: Yuji Nakazawa (Cup Record- Round Two in 2002)
Group G--
* France- Captain: Zinedine Zidane (Cup Record- Winners'98)
* South Korea- Captain: Park Ji-Sung (Cup Record- Fourth in '02)
* Switzerland- Captain: Alexander Frei (Cup Record- Quarters in 1934, 1938, 1954)
* Togo- Captain: Adebayor (Cup Record- Debutants)
Group H--
* Spain- Captain: Raul (Cup Record- Fourth in1950)
* Saudia Arabia- Captain: Sami Al-Jaber (Cup Record- Second round exit in 1994)
* Tunisia- Captain: Hatem Trabelsi (Cup Record- Three appearances)
* Ukraine- Captain: Shevchenko (Cup Record Debutants)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Destiny of Someone Due to the Other Who Drinks and Drives...

This is Jaqueline Saburido on September 19, 1999

Jaqueline Saburido with her father in 1998

Jaqueline Saburido in her birthday party as a child

Jaqueline Saburido at a party with friends

And, on that D'day (December, 1999), in this car, Jacqueline Saburido and her 4 friends were on their way to home from a birthday part, then it was hit by another car that was driven by a 17-year old male student on his way home after a couple of hard packs with his friends. Two passengers were killed at the scene and two were rescued. Jacqueline was one of rescued. But before rescue operation, within minutes, the car caught fire.

After the accident, Jacqueline is this. She was burned over 60% of her body; no one thought she could survive. But Jacqui lived. Her hands were so badly burned that her fingers had to be amputated. She lost her hair, her ears, her nose, her left eyelid and much of her vision. She had more than 50 operations.

Her body was heavily burnt during around 45 seconds.

Jacqueline with her father in year 2000.

Jacqueline getting treatment

Jacqueline after 3 months of accident

Without left eyelid Jacqueline needs eye drops to keep her vision.

Reggie Stephey, now 20 year old, football player, is the person who was on his way to home from drinking beer with some buddies. On a dark road on the outskirts of Austin, Texas, Reggie’s SUV veered into the Oldsmobile carrying Jacqueline and others. In June 2001 Reggie Stephey was convicted of 2 counts of intoxication manslaughter for deaths of Jacqueline’s two friends. He was sentenced to 7 years in prison and fined $20,000. He can't forgive himself for driving drunk on that night. He's aware of devastating Jacqueline Saburido's life.

Not everyone who gets hit with a car dies. This picture was taken 4 years after the accident and doctors are still working on Jacqueline

May be You'll Think Twice... Thrice... or More...